Friday, June 1, 2018

Make Your Time Count

Make Your Time Count

"The "NOW" that existed when you began to                                     read this sentence has gone forever!"

"Whew!  That moment sure flew by!  As they all do as the clock ticks on.  But counting time is not nearly as important as making time count.

The important thing in life is not how old you are, but how you are old; not how much time has passed in your life, but how you have passed your time!

So what is the best use of your time?  I like what Oliver Wendell Holmes said: "The great purpose of life is to live it."  So while you are making a living, don't forget to make a life.

Here are five ways to make your time count:
**1 - Enjoy your life by enjoying the present moment.  Although small children know how to make life fun, adults often forget.  Many people pursue happiness in the future and miss the abundant, simple pleasures in the now.

Josh Billings had the right idea.  He said: "Laugh every time you feel tickled, and laugh once and awhile anyhow."

Thackeray said:  "A good laugh is sunshine in a house."

**2 - Find a dream and pursue it.  Discover what you really want out of life and go after it!  But avoid the path of least persistence!

As Walter Bagehot said: "The greatest pleasure in life is doing what people say you cannot do."  So go for it, no matter what "they" say.

**3 - Sincerely love people and treat them well.  Give people all the love and kindness that you have.  Love and kindness will come back to you.

**4 - Drop your regrets.  Live in the present, not in the past.  Avoid self-tormenting language.  "I should have…"  "I could have…"  "I wish I had…"  "If only…"

**5 - Learn to like yourself.  People who feel good about themselves are the most positive and productive people in the world.  They never waste time feeling sorry for themselves.  So learn to get along well with yourself, and it will be much easier to make your time here count.

                                                      Time is flying by!  
                                             Are you using it or abusing it?

(I cut this article out of a magazine many years ago.  Author Unknown)

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