Thursday, May 31, 2018

Tending Life's Garden

Tending Life's Garden 

Our life is like a garden,
That needs constant, loving care,
There are woes that doth beset us,
Things that make life seem unfair.

We need so much cultivation,
To produce a steady start,
With a vast supply of sunshine,
That will warm the coldest heart.

When wind and rain approach us,
We should grip with all our might,
The water is greatly needed,
For our growth and study height.

Our deeds are bright as flowers,
And our prayers help clear the way,
Every kindness that is rendered,
Will help make a brighter day.

So tend your garden daily,
Remove all the useless weeds,
Then look for God's assistance,
To bless and meet your needs.

Frances Culp Wolfe

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