Saturday, February 18, 2023

Blessings - "when"

We have such a responsibility!

Isaiah 58 talks about blessings, "when" (action)
we free the oppressed,
 feed the hungry, 
and clothe the naked.

Yes, there are times when the stress of our own lives 
prompt us to feel that it is near impossible to 
reach out and help others. 
We look at circumstances, other people (even church ministries) and think to ourselves, 
"well, if I had their resources I could....." 

In the Book of Matthew Jesus "reminds" His disciples about 
the feeding of the 5,000 
with only five loaves of bread and two fish,
not even enough to feed the disciples themselves. 

Friends, we have everything 
we need to do what God has called us to do. 
We need to give Him what we have 
and allow Him to bless it and provide, 
just as He did with the fish and bread. 


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