Saturday, January 5, 2019

Resist Following Culture

Have you noticed that "culture" often blinds us from things we need to let go of?  
a personal culture
a professional culture 
and yes, a spiritual culture.
In one's personal life, it's all about the latest social media app, gadget or fashion trends. Professionally, a business alters their proven way of doing business just because a competitor across town has added or changed their way of doing business. In the religious dimension it is no different, as culture has also infiltrated in many unwelcome ways.

Culture leads - we follow.

Wrong! As you begin the new year with your energy and determination of making a difference, strive to be a leader, not a follower.

Take off the blinders.  
Be aware and "let go" of that which holds you back. 
Did you know that you are not free when you do something just because it is "the way everyone else is doing it"...or wearing it? That is not freedom!
Don't be a reflection of the culture but, be a champion of a better way of living.  
God wants us to grow, be strong and courageous, to be leaders and make an impact in this world....not following the trend or doing what everyone else is doing.
Let's start a revival and restoration of love, kindness, gentleness and meekness. Let us exalt Christ and become His hands and feet, wearing a spirit of humility. 
May He grant you wisdom, strength and joy!

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