Saturday, August 5, 2017

The Casserole - A Strange Obsession

“A good marriage is like a casserole; only those responsible for it really know what goes into it" — Anonymous.

By definition a casserole is a one-dish meal baked in the oven.  With a rich history of gracing tables throughout the world, during tough times (world wars, depressions) AND times of prosperity casserole creations continue to appear at church suppers, potlucks, movies, TV shows and even on YouTube in musical homages.  Some of these casseroles may be aesthetically unappealing, down-right ugly or they may overwhelmingly appeal to your senses of pure deliciousness.  (The slow oven cooking lets the flavors blend and meld).  Many of these dishes have been named with pride of a personal touch.  The names may include “medley”, “supreme”, “delight”, etc.  The casserole is beloved for it’s convenience, lack of pretense and nostalgia. There is also a charm of the casserole for versatility and it’s economical features.  It is a saver of time, labor and materials.

“The casserole is kind of like the minivan of dinner options.  Practical.”

FACT:  1947: Harry S. Truman asks Americans to help post-war recovery in Europe through "Meatless Tuesdays" and other efforts in his "Food Conservation Speech." Wife Bess created a casserole recipe (tuna with noodles) as a tasty alternative.”
Another FACT:  For the first 30 years of this century, there is but one type of casserole in Fannie Farmer's "The Boston Cooking-School Cookbook," and it is made from stewed leftover meat steamed in a rice mold and turned out for serving.”

 I passionately believe that it is time  - again - to embrace the casserole, now and forever!  It is time to give this amazing dish the respect that it deserves! What other recipe can you name that has been handed down through generations and shared among family and friends than "The Casserole"?

The Casserole has stood the test of time!


The casserole is an act of magic!  It is a comfort food….food to return to for solace.  Many devoted people say that “the dish” soothes their nerves unlike no other meal.  As the aroma filters throughout the home, even the cook feels relaxed.
Sadly though, more violence has been done to the human palate in the name of casseroles than any other single dish.  But, remember.……….
"Casseroles don't kill palates--cooks do."

 When it feels like you are living in an upside-down world and you're just not sure how things will "pan out".....go less than an hour you can experience the taste of "comfort food".

When a child is born, a loved one is lost, words fail.
When you want to feed the hungry and assist the brokenhearted, but you don't know what to say......a casserole knows what to say.

Casseroles are microwaveable and freeze well - 
they are great for those unexpected - or expected guests!

Go ahead, put some lovin’ in your oven 
and dub yourself a casserole queen!

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