Saturday, June 17, 2017

You Need A Map

Maps, globes, compasses.....I have always had a unique interest in them.  On trips I like to take out the map and study it.  Sometimes my husband will suggest that we turnoff the current road we are traveling and take a different route than originally planned.  Perhaps the different route will be more scenic.  If we are in our sports car, perhaps the unfamiliar route will have hills, valleys, winding and exciting roads.

Did you know that The Bible is our map for our daily spiritual travels?  I heard someone refer to The Bible as our GPS - Global Positioning Satellite.  Everyone needs spiritual illumination for our journey's on this highway through life and God has provided the "official" map to show us the right way.  If we ever get lost or are unsure of our way, thankfully there is a map for us to refer to.  All of the instructions for our spiritual travels are in The Bible.  In The Bible, God shows us how to walk, what to do and where we are going.  "Trips are much easier if you keep your map handy and reference it often."

Each person's life is a journey.  Not only is it important to know where you are going it is crucial that you use a map.  It is very easy to get lost or side tracked and end up somewhere other than where you intended.
             Don't forget that God offers 24/7 roadside assistance! 
        He loves it when you "stop and ask for directions."

           I hope you have made the decision to "Follow Jesus."
 Need help with finding map?

Contact us - we'll help you in any way we can. 

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